I’ll Be There for you…Daaah

All of us at one point or the other tapped our feet to the tone, hummed some of its words or even sang along this song whenever we watch Friends, but have you ever asked yourself what does it mean to be a friend?, what you should do? What to expect from them? When to fight for them and when to let go? I started to ask myself those questions when an incident happened to me and I realized that I lost a friend of mine or let’s say that I didn’t even have this friend it was just pretence or a make believe. Lately I realized that friendship consists of two words, Friend and ship which means, in my opinion, that this relationship is like a ship if the two people on this ship didn’t make the effort, soon it will sink, one of them might try hard to keep it steady, face the storm and not be afraid of thunder but soon he/she will get weak and would leave the whole ship to sink. Upon realizing this, now I know that I was facing a lot of thunderous storms, dangerous ocean and tried to sail a ship I shouldn’t be on in the first place, I also realized that I left my ship, the ship I should have been in, the ship where my true friend was fighting to sail on her own. For those whom I forsaken our ship now I come back and I regret not helping you in sailing our ship, and not fighting enough for our friendship. For those who wasted my energy, time and feelings I regret knowing you and I regret the effort I put into something futile and something fake. But before standing back where I should be, I should say my friendship vows to those who mean a lot to me, to those who really were there for me: - If friendship means believing in them, accepting them as they are, I say now, I will believe in you no matter how crazy you might be and I will not try to change you, I’ll accept you the way you are.
- If friendship means not giving up on them, I say now, I’ll never give up on you, because I’m so fortunate to have you in my life.
- If friendship means not being afraid to say I am sorry, then now I say, I’m sorry for not helping you, supporting you, or showing how much I appreciate you.
- If friendship means trusting, then now I say, I trust you and I will not try to hide behind my foolish masks thinking I can make it without you, because the fact is, I cant, I cant make it without you, you mean so much to me, so please, forgive me and let’s sing a long.
I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too. - Soooooo Silly Ellie
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